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Why Invest

Cape Verde: Beyond Sun and Sand

Cape Verde is “Ten little grains of sand in the Atlantic” – the words of the archipelago’s most famous daughter, Cesária Évora. Those unfamiliar with the unique melting pot of Cape Verde would perhaps do well to take the singer…

Time to Talk

The unique pull of Cape Verde: Morabeza

Talk to us about the creation of this fund and its main objectives. The fund was created to invest in strategic sectors like education, touristic safety, and promoting Cape Verde as an excellent tourist destination. What about the social and…

Why Invest

Invest in Thailand

What makes Thailand an exciting place to invest? ◊ Thailand 4.0 is the nationwide drive to escape the middle income trap through technological innovation. This means mobilising the private sector through investment in science and technology – and emphasising human…

Why Invest

Invest in Antigua and Barbuda

What makes Antigua and Barbuda an exciting place to invest? ◊ When the current government took power in 2014, they inherited an economy weakened by the global crisis and a nation heavily dependent on external factors. Since then, the government…
